Exchanges and returns


The purchased goods may be exchanged by notifying the buyer via e-mail , quoting the order number and indicating the items to be exchanged. Then, after the ordering party returns the agreed order item, he or she has the opportunity to order the item of interest taking into account the price difference.


The return of purchased goods may take place as a result of a complaint procedure and in the case of purchases made outside the seller's premises and distance contracts (e.g. purchased by telephone or Internet), as well as when the parties have so agreed.

If you purchase goods online under the Act of March 2, 2000 on the protection of certain consumer rights and liability for damage caused by a dangerous product, we have the right to return the goods without giving any reason within 14 days.

When sending the goods to the seller, you must attach a declaration of withdrawal from the contract and proof of purchase.


Our products are covered by the manufacturer's warranty. Regarding the warranty, please contact us by e-mail


Our products are subject to manufacturer's complaints. In case of complaints, please contact us by e-mail